



Royal Typewriters

We are proud to carry the Royal line of typewriters. We have two Manual Typewriters and one Electric Typewriter for you to choose from. If you are looking for a great manual typewriter option, you cannot go wrong with either the Royal Classic or Royal Epoch Manual Typewriters. We also have the Royal Scriptor II which is a great electric typewriter that is perfect for office use.

If you have any questions about any of our Typewriters, please feel free to contact us through our live chat, by phone at (267) 580-2600, or by email at and a member of our team will be happy to assist you.


  • Royal Classic Manual Typewriter (Front View)

    Royal Classic Manual Typewriter


      Royal Classic Manual Typewriter Continuing with a long history of manufacturing quality typewriters, Royal introduces the new "Classic" manual typewriter! The Royal Classic features a sturdy metal housing & provides the essential functions...
  • Royal Scriptor (Right)

    Royal Scriptor

      Royal Consumer Scriptor: A Blend of Vintage Charm & Modern Functionality Experience the perfect harmony of tradition and innovation with the Royal Consumer Scriptor, exclusively on Designed meticulously for the modern...