The 2025 Ultimate Guide to Buying a Printing Calculator
2025 Ultimate Guide to Printing Calculators: Expert Insights and Selection Tips
Welcome to the most complete and thorough buying guide for printing calculators on the internet today.
Whether you’re shopping for a printing calculator, looking for a safer and more efficient way to do your accounting, or are just generally interested in learning about printing calculators, this is the guide for you.
In The 2025 Ultimate Guide to Buying a Printing Calculator, we will cover a wide range of topics — from who needs a printing calculator to purchasing FAQ’s.
So strap on in and get ready to learn. By the end of this “Ultimate” experience, you’ll be fully equipped to make the best choice for your business.
Let’s dive right in.
Who should buy a printing calculator?
We recommend printing calculators to anyone in an accounting or financial role whose responsibilities include crunching numbers and/or performing calculations on a routine basis, as well as anyone who is managing cash and reconciling cash register drawers. This includes professionals in purchasing, casinos, supermarkets, tax preparation, bookkeeping, retail, government, banks, etc.
Why should you buy a printing calculator?
When it comes to performing calculations, financial professionals need a solution that is going to be quick, accurate, efficient, and that will safeguard their clients’ financial information.=
Your customers entrust you with sensitive information, and any external breach can lead to irreparable consequences for both your clients, and your business. Accountants need a way to protect their clients’ information without compromising the speed and efficiency of their daily accounting practices.
So how can they accomplish this?
The answer: a printing calculator
We’re going to break down how into two parts.
Number One: Can I operate more quickly on a printing calculator than with online accounting software?
A printing calculator is distraction-free, update-free, doesn't require saving, and doesn't require retrieving your printed document.
For example, let's walk through the accounting steps on an Excel Sheet, versus a Monroe printing calculator.
- Open Excel on your desktop
- Click into the cell you want to work in
- Type Equals sign
- Enter your calculations
- Press Enter and get your total
- Save your Excel Sheet
- Print your Excel Sheet
- Walk across the office to retrieve your Excel Sheet from the printer
- Double check your math to make sure your entries and functions are correctly entered and calculated
Using a Monroe Printing Calculator
- Reach over to your printing calculator
- Enter your calculations
- Press the Total (*) key and get your total
- Tear the audit trail off of your printing calculator and review your math
Not only does a Monroe printing calculator allow you to complete the process in half the steps, but many of our users report being able to type numbers faster on a Monroe printing calculator than on a typical 10-key.
Even in today's technology-driven world, the printing calculator is still the quickest and most efficient way to perform your calculations and provide immediate proof of your work. We recently hosted a group of Rutgers School of Business students who saw this first hand when Mike Prasch, Monroe's former key accounts manager and national casino specialist, challenged them to a race between the Monroe UltimateX printing calculator, Microsoft Excel and two cell phone calculators. The students saw that there was no competition when it came to accuracy and speed.=
Click here or below to watch the video:
As an interesting aside on the history of the UltimateX, here's a look at how the early generation models — the Monroe Classic and Pro printing calculators — paved the way to the top-of-the-line printing calculator we know today, the UltimateX.
Number Two: Why is worrying about your organization’s data protection a thing of the past with a printing calculator?
A printing calculator eliminates nearly all of the ways your data can be stolen or compromised through digital accounting.
You simply tear off your audit trail, attach it to the other physical documents you have, and file it away. The only way this data could be stolen or altered is by someone physically doing so. This is much less likely, and thus much safer, than storing client data online. A printing calculator cannot be hacked. A printing calculator cannot transmit or send data. And a printing calculator cannot save or store your data.
And, performing your accounting work on a printing calculator is much better than on a computer because it saves you the headache of needing to install software, adding virus protection, having the latest programs, and requiring IT support — not to mention that it turns on instantly.
Now that you understand the benefits of purchasing a printing calculator, let’s look at some of the important questions to ask before you make that purchase.
7 questions to ask when purchasing a printing calculator:
1. Medium-Duty or Heavy-Duty: Which is the Best Printing Calculator for my Needs?
Monroe Medium-Duty printing calculators are designed for users who don’t use their calculator continually. They take up less desk space, but have smaller printers that reduce print speed — print speeds range from 3.0 to 4.0 lines per second. Therefore, medium-duty printers are considerably slower and have a shorter expected lifespan than a Monroe heavy-duty printing calculator. This should be considered by frequent users, as some users will outperform the print speed of the calculator. This can lead to a lag time between the printed numbers and the calculations you’re typing.
At Monroe, we sell three different Medium-Duty printing calculator models. They are the Monroe 6120X, the Monroe 122PDX and the Monroe 2020PlusX. We will provide a more in-depth comparison between the three units later on.
Monroe Heavy-Duty printing calculators are designed for users who require more constant use — sometimes 24/7 — in certain environments. They are larger, more durable units that feature some exclusive Monroe features that make our units known for outlasting and outperforming competing brands. They are equipped with the fastest printer industry-wide (heavy-duty models can print up to 5 lines per second), and feature an enclosed paper roll, of which Monroe is the only company to offer worldwide…and the benefits of an enclosed paper roll are enormous!
At Monroe, we sell four different Heavy-Duty calculator models. They are the 8130X, the 8145X, the ClassicX and the UltimateX.
We will provide a more in-depth comparison between these three units later on.
To know which type of user you are, ask yourself these two important questions:
- How often will I use my printing calculator?
To choose the best calculator for you, we recommend determining what percentage of your work week will be spent working on the calculator, and how quickly you type your entries — since speed is a common factor that’s looked at when comparing printing calculators.
Typically, people who spend 10 percent or more of their work week on their calculator and are fluent users, or have quick fingers, should use a heavy-duty printing calculator.
- What mathematical programs and functions do I need?
Heavy-Duty calculators are often able to perform more functions than medium-duty machines. Additional functions include but are not limited to, VAT Tax, discount tax, cost sell margin, finance functions involving future and present value, and many more.
If you're an accountant, you may find the independent memory registers helpful. The memory registers are essentially a second and third independent accumulator or adding machine, which is differentiated on your tape by a unique audit trail. Another common memory function when multiplying a list of items, is to automatically send your total into the memory with the touch of the equals key.
Other users who need more complex features like editing entries and reprinting tapes, for example, can turn to an UltimateX.
2. How quickly can my printing calculator print?
Print speed makes a huge difference. If your printer can't keep up with how quickly you type, you will be stuck waiting for your calculations to catch up, or worse — it will error out and cause that notorious E on the display. Monroe aims to provide the best quality printers and print speeds in each calculator class.
You can typically group print speeds into three categories: Slow, Medium and Fast.
A Slow print speed is considered to be anything that is below 3 lines-per-second (lps) — The expected printer life for a calculator with a print speed of less than 3 lines per second is typically only 500,000 to 750,000 lines of print.
A Medium print speed is anything from 3.1 lps to 4.3 lps. This range is typically acceptable for less-regular users but is often too slow for regular users. Light-duty and medium-duty printers are considerably slower and have a much shorter expected lifespan than a fast-print, heavy-duty printing calculator.
A Fast print speed is anything greater than 4.3 lps. — a printer with this print speed will have a commensurate expected printer life of 1 million to 3 million lines of print. Our heavy-duty calculators are actually the fastest in the world, coming in at a whopping 5.0 lps. — allowing fast touch operators to work in near-conjunction with the printer. If a user is still able to type faster than this print speed, the heavy-duty models have a built-in keyboard “buffer” which permits operators to be as many as 13 entries ahead of the printer.
3. What additional features does my Monroe printing calculator come with?
Some additional features you’ll want to consider when shopping are:
- Digital display — how many digits can the calculator display handle? A 12-digit display is standard on most printing calculators, however, we do offer the Monroe 8145X printing calculator with a 14-digit display for people who perform calculations with large budgets — in the billion+ dollar range.
- Reprint and editing capabilities — this is a huge consideration when purchasing a printing calculator, as it can save you a lot of work in the event of an error. If you make an error on most printing calculators, you need to restart your calculations. With editing capabilities, you can avoid this by going back and editing entries up to 99 lines. The reprint key is great for users who need an extra copy of their audit trail. The only printing calculator ever made and available on the market today that has these features is the Monroe UltimateX. If you’re concerned about making errors and having to restart, we highly recommend considering this model, as it will save you a significant amount of time in the long run.
- External or enclosed paper holder — As previously mentioned, Monroe is the only calculator company to offer an enclosed paper roll. This is an integral reason why our products outperform and outlast the competition. An enclosed paper roll will prevent the paper from accumulating dust and dirt, which would otherwise be advanced into the printer and cause irreparable damage to it. Using a calculator with an enclosed paper holder will exponentially extend the life expectancy of your Monroe printing calculator. Our heavy-duty Monroe printing calculators, specifically the Monroe 8130X, Monroe 8145X, Monroe ClassicX, and Monroe UltimateX models, are the only printing calculators available today that are equipped with an enclosed paper holder.
All other printing calculators have the paper roll mounted externally. If you’re interested in purchasing a printing calculator with an external paper roll, ask yourself the following questions before purchasing:
How cluttered is your desk? If the paper roll is lodged against a book, stack of papers, against a wall, or some other object on the desk, the paper cannot easily advance or move through the print mechanism. Any strain placed on the paper feed mechanism of the printer will shorten its expected lifespan.
How durable is the Calculator paper roll holder? When the paper roll is external, paper roll holders (typically plastic) are mounted externally to hold the paper roll. These holders will almost certainly be lost or broken during the course of use. When this occurs, the operator will be forced to either replace the paper roll holders, replace the calculator, or come up with some inventive method for supporting the paper roll when the holders are lost or broken.
Choosing a printing calculator with an enclosed paper roll design prevents the loss or breakage of the paper roll holders, and enhances the ability of the printer to reach its expected life.
- Indicator lamp for active calculations — It is important for the calculator to have some way of indicating that there are active calculations still in the queue. Without this, you may perform all of your calculations, total it out, and then realize your math is completely off due to a previously unfinished calculation. You would then have to clear it and re-do all of your work. An adding machine indicator lamp (only on the Monroe heavy-duty models) visually informs the operator of the state of the accumulator (adding machine register). If the lamp is illuminated "red," then there is an amount in the adding machine.
- The Grand Total indicator lamp — This visually informs the user as to the contents, or lack thereof, of the Grand Total register. Again, without this indicator lamp, the user is forced to perform various clearing functions to make sure the grand total register is clear prior to performing the addition of multiple columns of figures.
- Automatic total print above tear-off knife — Monroe heavy-duty calculators are designed to automatically space the total above the tear-off knife. This feature enables you to easily review your entries and tear off the tape without needing to manually advance the paper, which causes additional wear and tear on the printer. For those who wish to minimize spacing, paper saver mode can be enabled to advance just a single space.
4. Is the printing calculator’s key touch soft and responsive?
Aside from our longevity, Monroe is known worldwide for our soft-velvet key touch. Our secret is called Individual Keyswitch Technology (IKT) technology, and it provides the responsiveness, smoothness, and trustworthy feel of our key touch that is second to none.
We are the only company using this technology today. IKT simply means there’s no rubber membrane beneath the keyboard. Instead, each key is outfitted with its own rubber dome. This technology eliminates any resistance to key depression caused by standard membranes. The Monroe UltimateX is one of our most popular models featuring the IKT technology, and users will find the touch of the keys to be light and fast. This technology was designed specifically with our customers in mind.
5. What is the printing calculator’s body made of?
Most calculators use plastic as their main material, but this wasn’t always the case. Earlier models, like our first models in 1912, were made of metal. Due to the rising cost of metal, many manufacturers have switched to using plastics. While there are many brands that tout having heavy-duty calculators, there are few who can actually deliver on that claim. As the only manufacturer that has a printing calculator body where the paper roll is enclosed, we have outlasted and outperformed the other brands and models on the market.
6. What type of support does my printing calculator come with?
When selecting a printing calculator, you’ll want to consider the support that the manufacturer offers for their machines, as it shows how much they stand behind their products.
At Monroe, for parts, we warranty the unit for 6 months and provide free lifetime direct phone support on every unit by our tenured and experienced staff. This means that we have dedicated calculator specialists in our Pennsylvania headquarters standing by and waiting to help you with any questions you may have.
We provide this support because many of our customers get accustomed to working on their specific machine and are hesitant to part with it. It becomes a part of their daily routine — a familiar piece of their ritual. And that’s why we are the only company in the industry to offer this.
7. What are the differences between the Monroe printing calculator models?
Medium-Duty Calculators:
122PDX (Available Color: Ivory) — Whether you work in a bank or credit union, this 12-digit medium-duty accounting printing calculator offers fast printing that allows you to quickly accomplish all of your accounting needs. With its large 12-digit display and professional-sized keyboard with oversized plus/minus keys, and the fastest print speed in the medium-duty line, users will find the 122PDX to be an extremely dependable and reliable tool to get the job done.
Some Key Features of the 122PDX Include:
- Dimensions LxWxH (inches): 11.00 x 8.00 x 2.77 in
- Print speed of 4.3 lines per second
- Large 12-digit display with 12.5mm digit height
- Cupped numeric keypad with a layout similar to heavy-duty models
- Equipped with a 4-key independent memory
- Non-add/date function allows you to print a reference number or date
- Standard 5/4 rounding, round up, or truncate options
- 4-key independent memories that will allow users to simultaneously run multiple math problems, all while having the ability to store their respective tax rates
- Item count feature allows you to confirm the number of entries in each calculation
- An input buffer allows users to make entries even while printing previous lines of figures; a two-key rollover feature that lets you work quickly while ensuring every keystroke is recorded
Click here to view a chart for additional Features of the Monroe 122PDX
Additional supplies like extra 20-lb. rolls of paper, additional cartridges or ribbon spools, a calculator supply kit, and a foam wedge, can be added to extend and get the most out of your calculator.
Price of 122PDX: click here to view
2020PlusX (Available Colors: Black and Ivory) — Users in any office setting, specifically full-time accounting roles for small businesses and those in purchasing roles, will benefit from using this 12-digit medium-duty printing calculator. The 2020PlusX features unique keys intended to mimic the heavy-duty series. The 2020PlusX can be used as a printing calculator, or you can turn the printing functionality off and use the display-only feature.
Some Key Features of the 2020PlusX Include:
- Dimensions LxWxH (inches): 11.00 x 8.00 x 3.00 in
- Large 12-digit display with 12.5mm digit height
- Cupped numeric keypad with a layout similar to heavy-duty models
- Percent change, markup, grand total, 2 tax keys, and is equipped with a 4-key independent memory are all included
- Non-add/date function allows you to print a reference number or date
- Standard 5/4 rounding, round up, or truncate options
- Item count feature allows you to confirm the number of entries in each calculation
Click here to view a chart for additional features of the Monroe 2020PlusX
Additional supplies like extra 20-lb. rolls of paper, additional cartridges or ribbon spools, a calculator supply kit, and a foam wedge, can be added to extend and get the most out of your calculator.
Price of 2020PlusX: click here to view
6120X (Available Colors: Black and Ivory) — If you are looking for a calculator with a simple design and adding machine functionality, look no further. This 12-digit, entry-level accounting desktop printing calculator is ideal for small businesses and offices, or for home use.
Some Key Features of the 6120X include:
- Dimensions LxWxH (inches): 11.00 x 8.50 x 2.75 in
- Print speed of 3.6 lines per second
- 4-key independent memory that will allow users to simultaneously run multiple math problems, all while having the ability to store their respective tax rates
- Standard 5/4 rounding, round up, or truncate options
- Backspace key to correct entries
- Markup feature to compute profit margins
- Extra large plus and minus keys
- Traditional Monroe key layout
- Slide switch to select running subtotal or grand total
Click here to view a chart for additional Features of the Monroe 6120X
Additional supplies like extra 20-lb. rolls of paper, additional cartridges or ribbon spools, a calculator supply kit, and a foam wedge, can be added to extend and get the most out of your calculator.
Price of 6120X: click here to view
Heavy-Duty Calculators:
UltimateX (Available Colors: Black) — The Monroe UltimateX 12-digit programmable heavy-duty printing calculator combines all of the favorite features from previous Monroe models into one. What makes this model so unique is that it features Individual Keyswitch Technology (a favorite among touch operators, as mentioned above), its editing and reprint capabilities (the only calculator in the industry that can edit and reprint tapes and entries up to 99 lines, also mentioned above), and its hidden storage compartment for a spare paper roll and a twin-spooled ribbon (eliminating the need for a trip to the file cabinet). The printing calculator can print at the lightning-fast speed of 5 lines per second, and it’s also easy to read, as the digits are over 18 millimeters in height. The UltimateX is certain to satisfy any accounting need.
Key Features Some Key Features of the UltimateX Include:
- Dimensions LxWxH (inches): 15.30 x 9.50 x 3.70 in
- Velvet touch keys with individual key switch technology
- Ability to edit and reprint tapes and entries up to 99 lines
- Print speed of 5 lines per second
- Slide switch to select running subtotal or grand total
- Enclosed paper roll to protect from dust build up
- Indicator lamp (making users aware of an active calculation)
- Automatic total print above tear-off off knife
- Hidden storage compartment for a spare paper roll and a twin-spooled ribbon to reduce downtime
- (2) 4-key independent memories that will allow users to simultaneously run multiple math problems, all while having the ability to store their respective tax rates
- Independent operation of multiplication and division capability, enabling the user to multiply and divide during addition and subtraction
- Time Card functions
Click here to view a chart for additional Features of the UltimateX
Additional supplies like extra 20-lb. rolls of paper, additional cartridges or ribbon spools, a calculator supply kit, and a foam wedge, can be added to extend and get the most out of your calculator.
Price of UltimateX: click here to view
8145X (Available Color: Black) This is Monroe’s only 14-digit printing calculator and it comes with two memories, allowing you to run multiple columns of math. This two-color printing calculator is preferred by accountants at Fortune 500 companies for its superior functionality and 14-digit capacity. This model is most commonly purchased by users that require multiple math columns to be run and are responsible for managing billion+ dollar budgets for projects or purchases.
Some Key Features of the 8145X Include:
- Dimensions LxWxH (inches): 15.30 x 9.50 x 3.70 in
- Two (2) independent memories and the ability to print and display 14-digits
- Print speed of 5 lines per second and has a smooth key touch
- Enclosed paper roll to protect from dust build up
- Indicator lamp (making users aware of an active calculation)
- Automatic total print above tear-off off knife
- Hidden storage compartment for a spare paper roll and a twin-spooled ribbon to reduce downtime
- (2) 4-key independent memories that will allow users to simultaneously run multiple math problems, all while having the ability to store their respective tax rates.
- Independent operation of multiplication and division capability, enabling the user to multiply and divide during addition and subtraction
- Firm responsive touch
Click here to view a chart for additional Features of 8145X
Additional supplies like extra 20-lb. rolls of paper, additional cartridges or ribbon spools, a calculator supply kit, and a foam wedge, can be added to extend and get the most out of your calculator.
Price of 8145X: click here to view
8130X (Available Colors: Black and Ivory) — This entry-level, 12-digit, basic function, heavy-duty printing calculator is one of the most popular calculators on the market today. It is extremely popular amongst our heavy calculator users, especially within casino cages and supermarket chains due to its ability to run 24/7, without failure.
Some Key Features of the 8130X Include:
- Dimensions LxWxH (inches): 15.30 x 9.50 x 3.70 in
- Print speed of 5 lines per second
- Slide switch to select running subtotal or grand total
- Enclosed paper roll to protect from dust build up
- Indicator lamp (making users aware of an active calculation)
- Automatic total print above tear-off off knife
- Hidden storage compartment for a spare paper roll and a twin-spooled ribbon to reduce downtime
- Independent operation of multiplication and division capability, enabling the user to multiply and divide during addition and subtraction
- Firm responsive touch
Click here to view a chart for additional Features of 8130X
Additional supplies like extra 20-lb. rolls of paper, additional cartridges or ribbon spools, a calculator supply kit, and a foam wedge, can be added to extend and get the most out of your calculator.
Price of 8130X: click here to view
ClassicX (Available Color: Cool Gray) — The Monroe ClassicX boasts incomparable touch made possible by its famous IKT (Individual Keyswitch Technology) and superior functionality-unmatched in the world of printing calculators. We've carefully designed and built our machines based on decades of listening to our customers' needs. The ClassicX features our newly updated printer.
Some Key Features of the ClassicX Include:
- Velvet touch keys with individual key switch technology - our keys have a more responsive touch than any other printing calculator brand, you will feel the difference
- (2) 4-key independent memories that will allow users to simultaneously run multiple calculations
- Dimensions LxWxH (inches): 15.30 x 9.50 x 3.70 in
- Print speed of 5 lines per second
- Slide switch to select running subtotal or grand total
- Enclosed paper roll to protect from dust build up (read our blog on the enclosed paper roll)
- Indicator lamp (making users aware of an active calculation)
- Automatic total print above tear-off off knife
- Hidden storage compartment for a spare paper roll and a twin-spooled ribbon to reduce downtime
- Independent operation of multiplication and division capability, enabling the user to multiply and divide during addition and subtraction
Those who know, choose Monroe.
Click here to view a chart for additional Features of ClassicX
Additional supplies like extra 20-lb. rolls of paper, additional cartridges or ribbon spools, a calculator supply kit, and a foam wedge, can be added to extend and get the most out of your calculator.
Price of ClassicX: click here to view
What the Experts Say...
Jon Gregull on the 122PDX<
1. What are some of the common jobs that customers use the 122PDX for?
Our 122PDX is popular with customers who perform a good amount of accounting-style work, but are also very limited on desk space.
2. What's something people should know about the 122PDX? Why should they choose this Monroe calculator over another machine?
The 122PDX is our fastest printing and most simple, functionality-wise, medium-duty machine on the market today.
3. What’s some positive feedback you have heard from customers about the 122PDX?
Customers like the 4.3 lps print speed, wider Plus and Minus keys, and simplistic functionality of the 122PDX and how these features allow for a more efficient and less complicated calculator experience.
Joe Spurka on the 2020PlusX
1. What are some of the common jobs that customers use the 2020PlusX for?
The 2020PlusX is the most popular of our medium-duty calculators. It’s most popular in banks, credit unions, etc.
2. What's something people should know about the 2020PlusX? Why should they choose this Monroe printing calculator over another machine?
The 2020PlusX features cupped or indented keys, similar to that of our heavy-duty calculators. It also takes a smaller footprint for those with less desk space.
3. What’s some positive feedback you have heard from customers about the 2020PlusX?
The 2020PlusX works like a heavy-duty machine but smaller.
Jon Gregull on the 6120X
1. What are some of the common jobs that customers use the 6120X for?
The 6120X is ideal for small businesses, offices, or for home use where users are not running super long lists of numbers/work.
2. What's something people should know about the 6120X? Why should they choose this Monroe printing calculator over another machine?
The 6120X can store the Sales Tax Rate and perform VAT Tax.
3. What’s some positive feedback you have heard from customers about the 6120X?
The 6120X’s wider plus and minus keys and VAT Tax calculation capabilities, make it a favorite among retail spaces and teller lines.
Joe Spurka on the UltimateX
1. What are some of the common jobs that customers use the UltimateX for?
The UltimateX is the top of the line of our heavy-duty calculators. It is used in supermarkets, casinos and all accounting-type settings. Executives love this model as it is the best available printing calculator on the market.
2. What's something people should know about the UltimateX? Why should they choose this Monroe printing calculator over another machine?
The UltimateX is equipped with Individual Keyswitch Technology (IKT), which enables the lightest keytouch available, and is a favorite among touch operators. The UltimateX also has editing and reprint capabilities.
3. What’s some positive feedback you have heard from customers about the UltimateX?
Users love the key touch of the UltimateX, and the reprint feature eliminates the need to use more expensive, 2-ply paper. Simply pressing the reprint button will print an exact copy of your last set of calculations.
Joe Spurka on the ClassicX
1. What's something people should know about the ClassicX? Why should they choose this Monroe printing calculator over another machine?
The Monroe Classic is one of the most popular calculators Monroe has ever produced. The new ClassicX is designed with the same key layout, functionality, and key touch as the original Classic, along with some enhanced features including a new “cool gray” look, a larger display, and an updated printer to match the supply needs of our current X-series calculator line. Monroe Calculators are designed to last and have long been considered the "Cadillac of Calculators". Monroe exists today after 110 years because of our customers. Our team takes great pride in our product knowledge and our customer service is unmatched.
2. What are some of the common jobs that customers will use the ClassicX for?
The Monroe Classic has been a favorite with accountants, especially touch operators, due to the velvet key touch, or IKT, Individual Keyswitch Technology. Although 80% of the work done on any calculator is add, subtract, multiply, & divide, the ClassicX is a perfect fit for calculator users in any industry. While most customers rely on Monroe for the basic calculator functions, many customers have taken advantage of the superior functionality offered in this model's predecessor - the Monroe Classic. This includes basic finance, automatic cross footing, and time clock functionality.
3. What's some positive feedback you have heard from customers about the ClassicX?
I personally talked with many customers who were extremely excited about the return of the Monroe Classic. The Classic was introduced in the early 2000s and brought the return of IKT (Individual Keyswitch Technology), after years of its absence. While our current UltimateX also features IKT, the Classic has always held a special place in Monroe history and in our customers' hearts. Among other favorites of the original Classic, the dual independent memory along with the capability to figure basic loan payments have been among the popular requests. We're excited to bring back the familiarity of the Monroe ClassicX and are confident it will be a customer favorite once again.
Jon Gregull on the 8145X
1. What are some of the common jobs that customers use the 8145X for?
The 8145X series calculators are very common in professions with multiple line item accounting needs, as well as very large numbers as it has the (2) independent memories and a 14-digit capacity.
2. What's something people should know about the 8145X? Why should they choose this Monroe printing calculator over another machine?
With the 8145X you can add up to 4 different lists of numbers, totally independent from each other, at the same time.
3. What’s some positive feedback you have heard from customers about the 8145X?
The 8145X’s 14-digit capacity and 2 independent memories allow for greater ease working with larger numbers on either side of the decimal.
Joe Spurka on the 8130X
1. What are some of the common jobs that customers use the 8130X for?
The 8130X is the most basic and the most popular of our heavy-duty calculators. The 8130X is used by just about every type of customer that has a heavy workload: supermarkets, casinos, bookkeeping, accounting offices, etc.
2. What's something people should know about the 8130X? Why should they choose this Monroe printing calculator over another machine?
The 8130X is simple, which is what most customers want. It features a single set of independent memory, a large display, a fast print speed, and an enclosed paper roll.
3. What’s some positive feedback you have heard from customers about the 8130X?
The 8130X is durable and easy to use. This model has also outlived any other brand of printing calculators that have been used in their offices.
What makes a Monroe printing calculator superior to the other printing calculators on the market?
Our more than 100 years of expertise provides us with a unique advantage in knowing and understanding our customers and the businesses within which they operate. Since 1912, we have maintained close relationships with our end users, which has proven invaluable for us as our customers have shown their loyalty through generations of continued usage. A calculator is a tool utilized to get the job done. Monroe Calculators have continually proven their worth as the premier printing calculator by consistently producing a superior product that enables you to be more efficient, cost effective, and accurate with the work you do.
As the only calculator company that provides an enclosed paper roll, indicator lamp, automatic totaling above the tear-off knife, and exclusive features like Individual Keyswitch Technology (IKT), and the ability to edit and reprint tapes and entries up to 99 lines, we’ve developed the best tools for any financial job at hand.
As the inventor of the printing calculator in 1912, Monroe Systems for Business is a name that has become familiar with generations of accounting and financial professionals all over the world. It all began when co-founders Jay Monroe and Frank Baldwin recognized the need for a simpler, faster figure machine that would handle all four fundamental operations, developing the design and mechanism of the first Monroe High-Speed Adding Calculator.
Since then, Monroe has continued to build upon our founders’ design, while continuing to keep our customers’ requirements top of mind. So, whether you’re looking for a medium- or heavy-duty calculator, need tech support, or have an older model and are looking to upgrade, you can refer to this handy guide or call one of our representatives at (267) 580-2600 to determine which model is right for you. Choosing the right calculator should not feel daunting. At Monroe, we make that process as painless as possible - Monroe
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